The Nativist Approach: assumes that despite the fact that children’s early utterances are clearly not adult-like and lack many components of grammatical speech, children are operating with an abstract knowledge of grammatical categories. (Hyams翻譯社 1986)
Teachers should creatively use technology but not rely on it alone.
1. Communicative pedagogy溝通式教育法
2. Multiple Intelligence多元智能
3. Whole language teaching 全英語講授

Children are relatively more field-dependant, so teachers should use direct methods and try to provide a rich and stimulating environment with a lots objects to play with. Along with audio visual aids, all kinds of sensory input are important. Game-like language learning activities are an excellent, even essential, part of a program of children’s leaning activities. Children is general learn well when they are active and when action is channeled into enjoyable game翻譯社 they are often willing to invest considerable time and effort in playing it. Children’s attention span is short, about half an hour, so the grammatical instruction should last and be accompanied with more longer activities to catch their attention.
The Nine-Year Integrated Curriculum Guidelines

Intensive listening performance is listening for perception of the components(phoneme, words翻譯社 intonation翻譯社 discourse, markers) of a larger stretch of language.

Inductive grammar is an approach to grammar teaching in which learners are not taught grammatical or other types of rules directly, but are left to discover or induce rules from their experience of using the language.
portfolio assessment: three categories
9. 教授教養評量
多元智能 Howard Gardner’s Theory of Multiple Intelligence
Extensive listening performance is listening to develop a top-down, global understanding of spoken language. Extensive listening performance ranges from listening to lengthy lectures to listening to a conversation and deriving a comprehensive message or purpose.擴大的 由上致下 全球化理解白話說話 從冗長的演說、對話理解訊息或大旨

Computer-aid language learning: CALL
聲調其實不影響身分 分歧腔調不代表優勝性或較下等
Deductive grammar teaching, contrasted with inducted grammar teaching翻譯社 is an approach to grammar teaching in which learners are taught grammatical rules and given specific information about a language.

1. Linguistic Intelligence
2. logical-mathematical intelligence
3. spatial intelligence
4. musical intelligence
5. bodily-kinesthetic intelligence
6. interpersonal intelligence
7. intrapersonal intelligence
8. naturalist intelligence
8. 文法
人類進修 以教員輔助開始 指點學生 學生從動手作中進修 本身去介入 發現 獲得謎底 進修進程並不是生成具有 也不是從零最先 而是從已有的獲得中 建造新的常識
Language experience approach supports children’s concept development and vocabulary growth while offering many opportunities for meaningful reading and writing activities. Another benefit of the language experience approach is the development of shared experiences that extend children’s knowledge of the world around them while building a sense of classroom community. Students are involved in planning翻譯社 experiencing, responding to, and recording the experience and later, in participating in “remember when we?” conversations.
Discrete-point testing involves testing one thing at a time
翻譯社 item by item (e.g. a multiple-choice grammar test on the present perfect)

10. 影響進修的身分:
6. 其他技能 (教學法 approach)

不接連測驗 考試一樣東西 一個項目接著一個項目

Humanistic Approach: 人本教育 with low anxiety and relax state, with high concentration and attention on language learning翻譯社 interaction in the community, help each other, teacher’s role as a counselor翻譯社 only give support when necessary
(推論 間接)
In many ways adults are superior to children as learners, they have greater cognitive maturity, better learning strategies and study habits, better focus and goal orientation翻譯社 a longer attention span, the ability to make a greater variety of associations翻譯社 and better short-term memory. Thus, in teaching adults English, more time can be used for grammatical instruction and practice, accompanied with a few sensory input and activities.

語言經驗進修法 幫助學生認知成長與自會增加 供應成心義的浏覽寫作運動 分享經驗 擴大學生對於週遭世界的常識 成立一個教室集團的氛圍 學生計畫 體驗 回應 記載經驗
增強集中 強調聲音`單字`腔調`特徵

12. 九年一向英語課程

其他: spiritual `existential` moral intelligence
7. 聽力
2. The computer offers a forum where learners can lose their self-consciousness. Many learners are shy of making mistakes. In the private environments, the learner can work at their own pace. The learner can spend more time on those topics that are causing difficulty.
3. access to information: A CALL program has the potential to provide more information.
2. 輔助字彙的成長與認知 白話的互動 和教誨社會立場與行為價值
4. 真實教材較刺激豐碩 視覺美化 供應學生高度進修的念頭
5. 幫助學生透過故事書快速取得內文 模擬與反複單字和描寫表達
6. 供應學生已進修過的natural context
The eight intelligences are not fixed in one of each catalogue. The intelligence are found out and distinguished. Everyone have all of these eight kinds of intelligences. People can use these intelligences in different situations. Every intelligence can be developed. Most of the people have much abilities of one or two intelligences. Multiple intelligence education is used to develop much more possibilities of human.
1. 念頭提高學習速度
2. 進修者人格特質(shy/ embarrassing of incorrect speaking)
3. 對於內容的愛好 interest in a particular text
4. The higher the interest level the better comprehension will be. 興趣越高可以接濟理解

11. 發音
Merits: 1. 比教科書有用率 對於年紀小的進修者可幫忙連系單字與記憶力
低焦炙狀況與輕鬆的體式格局進修 強調小我價值成長 高集中力與注意力在說話進修上 在社群中相互扶助 老師的腳色是諮詢者 在必要的時刻給予匡助
Merits: 1. Learner autonomy- responsibilities of their own learning

Constructivism is a set of assumptions about the nature of human learning that guide constructivist learning theories and teaching methods. Constructivism values developmentally appropriate翻譯社 teaching-supported learning that is initiated and directed by the students. The theory behind a constructivist approach is that the child’s learning is done in a hands-on approach. The children learn by doing, and not by being told what will happen. They are left to make their own inferences, discoveries and conclusions. It also emphasizes that learning is not an “all or nothing” process but that student learn the new information that is presented to them by building upon knowledge that they already possess.

八種智能是迦納歸納出來的 並非固定的項目 每一個人都同樣具有這些智能 在分歧的環境下利用 而且都可以被成長 大都人具有一至兩項較優勢的智能 多元智能教育大旨是在於成長人類更多的可能性

13. 網路資本
1. showcase portfolios – student select pieces which they believe represent their best work
2. collection portfolios(working portfolio) – all the drafts & the final product
3. assessment portfolios: according to certain criteria give by the instructor

(演譯 直接)
首要限制: not suitable for adult (who has the maturity of concept)
天然進修法 強調孩童初期說話缺少成人的文法能力 她們正在利用抽象的文法概念

One’s identity consists of more than just his or her accent. Taking one’s accent away won’t mean taking his or her identity away, just like having a certain accent does not necessarily make one inferior or superior merely because that specific accent sounds inferior of superior.
Storybook in EFL classroom

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