
基於參考文獻(Ruhlen 1994b:105),列出原始人類說話的詞根:


  • 1 魯蘭原始人類語言重建
    • 1.1 詞彙
  • 2 參考文獻
  • 3 外部保持



語言 誰? 什麼? 一/手指 手臂-1 手臂-2 彎膝/膝蓋 頭髮 陰道/外陰 味道/鼻子
科依桑 !kū ma /kam k´´ā //kɔnu //kū ≠hā //gom /ʼū !kwai č』ū
尼羅-撒哈拉 na de ball nki tok kani boko kutu sum buti čona
尼日-剛果 nani ni bala engi dike kono boko boŋgo butu
亞非 k(w) ma bwVr ak』wa tak ganA bunqe somm put suna
卡特維 min ma yor rts』q』a ert t』ot』 qe muql toma putʼ sun
達羅 yāv iraṇṭu nīru birelu kaŋ kay meṇḍa pūṭa počču čuṇṭu
歐亞 kwi mi pālā akwā tik konV bhāghu(s) bük(ä) punče p』ut』V snā
得內-高加索 kwi ma gnyis ʔoχwa tok kan boq pjut tshām putʼi suŋ
Austric o-ko-e m-anu ʔ(m)bar namaw ntoʔ xeen baγa buku śyām betik iǰuŋ
Indo-Pacific mina boula okho dik akan ben buku utu sɨnna
澳洲 ŋaani minha bula gugu kuman mala pajing buŋku puda mura
Amerind kune mana p』āl akwā dɨk』i kano boko buka summe butie čuna
來曆:(Ruhlen 1994b:103)翻譯符號V暗示"元音,其原始切實的字符是未知的"(同上105頁)。點擊在最上面一行的符號可以改變字母順序的情勢。




原始人類說話(Proto-Human languageProto-Sapiens翻譯社 Proto-World),又名原世界語,是一個假定於世界上存在的說話,並且是所有說話的比來配合祖先原始語,也是一個古老的原始語翻譯

  • ku = 'who'
  • ma = 'what'
  • pal = 'two'
  • akwa = 'water'
  • tik = 'finger'
  • kanV = 'arm'
  • boko = 'arm'
  • buŋku = 'knee'
  • sum = 'hair'
  • putV = 'vulva'
  • čuna = 'nose, smell'


  • Bengtson, John D. and Merritt Ruhlen. 1994. "Global etymologies." In Ruhlen 1994a, pp. 277–336.
  • Bengtson, John D. 2007. "On fossil dinosaurs and fossil words." (Also: HTML version.)
  • Campbell, Lyle, and William J. Poser. 2008. Language Classification: History and Method. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
  • Edgar, Blake. 2008 "Letter from South Africa." Archaeology 61.2翻譯社 March–April 2008.
  • Gell-Mann翻譯社 Murray and Merritt Ruhlen. 2003. "The origin and evolution of syntax." (Also: HTML version.)
  • Givón翻譯社 Talmy. 1979. On Understanding Grammar. New York: Academic Press.
  • Greenberg翻譯社 Joseph. 1963. "Some universals of grammar with particular reference to the order of meaningful elements." In Universals of Language翻譯社 edited by Joseph Greenberg翻譯社 Cambridge: MIT Press翻譯社 pp. 58–90. (In second edition of Universals of Language, 1966: pp. 73–113.)
  • Greenberg, Joseph H. 1966. The Languages of Africa, revised edition. Bloomington: Indiana University Press. (Published simultaneously at The Hague by Mouton & Co.)
  • Greenberg, Joseph H. 1971. "The Indo-Pacific hypothesis." Reprinted in Joseph H. Greenberg, Genetic Linguistics: Essays on Theory and Method翻譯社 edited by William Croft, Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2005.
  • Greenberg, Joseph H. 1987. Language in the Americas. Stanford: Stanford University Press.
  • Greenberg, Joseph H. 2000-2002. Indo-European and Its Closest Relatives: The Eurasiatic Language Family. Volume 1: Grammar. Volume 2: Lexicon. Stanford: Stanford University Press.
  • Klein, Richard G. and Blake Edgar. 2002. The Dawn of Human Culture. New York: John Wiley and Sons.
  • McDougall, Ian, Francis H. Brown, and John G. Fleagle. 2005. "Stratigraphic placement and age of modern humans from Kibish, Ethiopia." Nature 433.7027, 733–736.
  • Ruhlen, Merritt. 1994a. On the Origin of Languages: Studies in Linguistic Taxonomy, Stanford: Stanford University Press.
  • Ruhlen, Merritt. 1994b. The Origin of Language: Tracing the Evolution of the Mother Tongue. New York: John Wiley and Sons.
  • Saussure翻譯社 Ferdinand de. 1986. Course in General Linguistics, translated by Roy Harris. Chicago: Open Court. (English translation of 1972 edition of Cours de linguistique générale, originally published in 1916.)
  • Trombetti翻譯社 Alfredo. 1905. L'unità d'origine del linguaggio. Bologna: Luigi Beltrami.
  • Trombetti翻譯社 Alfredo. 1922-1923. Elementi di glottologia翻譯社 2 volumes. Bologna: Zanichelli.
  • Wells翻譯社 Spencer. 2007. Deep Ancestry: Inside the Genographic Project. Washington翻譯社 D.C.: National Geographic.
  • White, Tim D., B. Asfaw, D. DeGusta, H. Gilbert, G.D. Richards翻譯社 G. Suwa, and F.C. Howell. 2003. "Pleistocene Homo sapiens from Middle Awash, Ethiopia." Nature 423:742–747.


  • Genetic Distance and Language Affinities
  • Babaev, Kirill. 2008. "Critics of the Nostratic theory", in Nostratica: Resources on Distant Language Relationship.

文章來自: https://zh.wikipedia.org/wiki/%E5%8E%9F%E5%A7%8B%E4%BA%BA%E9%A1%9E%E8%AA%9E%E8%A8%80
